Ali, a poor man turned gangster who gets fired after working in an owner's clothing store. Ali worries that he won't be able to earn money anymore to take care of his mother named Salubha but his friend Maqsood inspires him. Ali and Maqsood try to get money from a rich and royal woman but they managed to do it after a fight with her. Maqsood is been working for Danger Bhai to get him money.


Ali was going to be married but gets stopped by an owner in whose store Ali was working. Ali goes to a golf course to get some money from Singhania. As Singhania was unable to put a ball in the hole, Ali suddenly gets challenged. Ali accepts his challenge and he wins it to collect money. Ali's uncle Kishan Lal who is a caddy driver, tells Ali that if he plays golf he can earn lots of money and can become champion. Ali goes for practice but unable to do it properly. Kishan tells Ali that his future is stuck between a perfect shot and wrong choice. Ali honestly and inspired takes a correct path and practices perfectly. Ali in this process falls in love with Megha, a manager of golf champion Vikram Rathod who is "arrogant", greedy and dishonest too. Megha has praised Ali's performance but when Vikram tries to insult him he (Ali) overcomes it by telling him that even if poor people play the gameplay by the rich people can learn to win but "never lose". Ali pays the fee of entering into a tournament and qualifies into top 60 against 72 players.


Vikram soon fires Megha and shows his arrogance to Ali but Ali reflects his attack by lessons that he learnt from the world and decides to show him that he works hard and plays honestly to win as Vikram thinks that Megha is behind Ali's victory. Ali wins events and earns money to take care of his Sulbha. Danger Bhai tricks and blackmails Maqsood to not help Ali and Maqsood does it. When Megha finds out she tells to Ali's mother (Sulbha) and Maqsood gets scolded for this. Maqsood tries to explain why was he doing, Ali's mother convinces Maqsood that being an honest/true person is more important than the good person, Money can buy nothing except fun and rest and Ali has shown it. Kishan tells Ali that Maqsood has troubled him (Kishan) too. Ali feels annoyed and insults Maqsood. Maqsood regrets and decides to help Ali. Vikram soon feels jealous and injures Ali's hand, everyone feels worried and starts praying. Ali comes back to final event with an injured hand which is recovering currently.


Bade Bhai comes in the match to see and Danger Bhai joins Vikram. Maqsood insults and tells Vikram that Vikram can injure Ali's hand but not his courage and goal and Maqsood becomes new caddy driver. Ali gets inspired by the mother who is succeeded in insulting back Danger Bhai and Bade Bhai who was trying to insult Ali. Ali then during this match gains his confidence back, removes plaster-bandage and plays perfectly. When Maqsood asks Ali what he's going to do, Ali tells that he's going to "hit six like in a cricket. Ali performs great shot flying above the tree and coming into a hole and Ali wins. Vikram accepts his defeat and lets him go. Bade Bhai praises Ali and cancels illegal business and Ali celebrates victory with his friends and his lover Megha.

Freaky Ali
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