‘David’ revolves around three men from three eras and different parts of the world, who share nothing common but a name - David. They fight their inner demons which twist their beliefs and turn their destinies. D1 (Neil) is the dreaded gangster Ghani's protege in 1970's London. He talks less, and kills more with lethal looks and loaded guns, and romances Noor (Monica) with a deadly passion.


A rival gang exposes shocking facts about his past which collapse his (under) world. D2 (Vinay) is a dude in a family of devout Christians in Mumbai. He's a struggling musician whose life loses rhythm when his Dad gets embroiled in a politicized issue. For Christ's sake, really! D3 (Vikram) is a fisherman in a Goan village, who is more Devdas than David, low on life and high on daru - any time of the day. While he broods about lost love to confidante Frenny (Tabu), he quickly falls for his best friend's fiancee, Roma (Isha Sharwani).


Steadily, it is revealed that all three Davids are connected somehow in the turn of events. In 1999, the London David's son with Noor, Iqbal, comes to Mumbai to seek revenge for his father's murder. The army officer killed at Malati Tai's rally is actually one of the corrupt RAW agents who Iqbal shoots down with intent. Witnessing the shooting makes the Mumbai David realize what he almost became had he succeeded in assassinating Malati. He then moves to Goa and becomes a priest.


In 2010, he is the priest that marries off Peter to Roma. Realizing that the Goan David would have spoken out against the wedding, he praises the Goan David for not doing so after the ceremony. The film swiftly transitions between eras, dramatically changing in colour, content, emotion, and drama.

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