Shahrukh Khan's first salary was Rs 50 which he earned by working as an usher at a Pankaj Udhas' concert in Delhi. He used the money to take the train to Agra and see the Taj Mahal.
Hrithik Roshan had a stammering problem since childhood. In order to combat the problem, he took speech lessons and, today, he is one of the most eloquent Bollywood stars.
Priyanka Chopra is the only Indian in the USA to have been selected at the state level for the National Opus Honor Choir, extensive charity work back in India and the USA, and joined the CAF and CII in their literacy program and is their ambassador.
Ranbir Kapoor still takes Rs 1,500 pocket Money from his mom every week.
Sushmita Sen Did you know that former beauty queen and actress Sushmita Sen keeps a python as a pet?
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan was once rejected for a TV serial dubbing job before she became famous.